
he / him

For Jannos, music is about creating stories and new worlds, whether they are ones he yearns for or fears. He started composing before learning to play because, as he claims, his journey couldn’t wait. In addition to music, he writes novels and scripts, focusing on dramatic music for theatre, film, and video games.

Jannos is a composer, orchestrator, producer, and sound engineer, with studies in Mechanical Engineering and Music in the U.K. and the U.S. His work has been performed in over 30 countries, selling tens of thousands of CDs and gaining millions of views on YouTube. He has composed music for films including “The Christmas tango”, “A hero in Rome”, “Diary of a Times square thief”, “One fine day”, “Bells, threads & Miracles”, “Solino”, “Wintry Nostalgia”.

He merges his passions for music, science, and history, exploring unique soundscapes by combining real and virtual instruments.

He aims for his music to be memorable and to deepen the emotional experience. While some see this as an escape from reality, he believes in living multiple lives through his art.


  • Jannos Eolou
