Safeguarding policy

Safeguarding Policy for Young Performers

Safeguarding involves a range of activities aimed at promoting the individual’s fundamental right to be safe.
These include creating and maintaining safe environments for all, implementing procedures should something go wrong, and providing support for everyone involved.
The purpose of this policy is to:

  • protect children and young people who are represented by Ray.
  • provide Ray staff and collaborators with overarching principles that guide our approach to
    safeguarding and child protection.

Our Safeguarding Responsibilities

Ray recognises that the protection of children and young people is of paramount importance, and this policy has been introduced for the protection and safeguarding of children and young people who are represented by Ray.
This policy applies to children and young performers who are represented by Ray.
To support Ray’s aims in protecting children from potential harm, we commit to implementing best practices in our interactions with young performers.
Ray recognises that, and the best practices that Ray has implemented include:

  • All discussions regarding the representation and offers of work for children and young people (under
    18) will be conducted with or via their parent or legal guardian.
  • All children, regardless of gender, ethnicity, age, religious belief, sexual orientation, identity, or ability,
    have a right to equal protection from all forms of harm or abuse.
  • We believe that a child or young person should never experience abuse of any kind, and we have a
    responsibility to promote their welfare and ensure their safety.
  • Some children are additionally vulnerable due to factors such as previous experiences, their level of
    dependency, communication needs, or other issues.
  • We recognise that working in partnership with children, young people, their parents, carers, and other
    agencies is essential in promoting their welfare.
  • We require/strongly recommend that, when a child or young performer attends an audition or works
    on set, a parent/guardian or adult representing Ray be present.
  • Casting professionals hiring young talent are expected to know and understand current legislation and
    best practice guidelines for working with children and young people.
  • If an agent, parent/guardian or casting professional has any concern regarding a child’s
    circumstances, they are expected to report to the appropriate parties (see Safeguarding Contact
    Points below).

Ray is fully committed to this policy and to developing effective procedures to ensure its successful

Who Does it Affect?

This policy applies to anyone working on behalf of Ray. We will ensure that everyone is familiar with this policy and understands their safeguarding roles and responsibilities.

Prevention and Reporting of Abuse

A child could be at risk from physical abuse, physical neglect, sexual abuse, or emotional abuse. It is the duty of each person involved with Ray to help prevent the abuse of children and respond to concerns about their well-being. Any abuse disclosed, discovered, or suspected will be reported, and we will cooperate fully with any statutory investigation into suspected abuse.

Confidentiality and Data Protection.

We adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), ensuring that all sensitive information related to children and safeguarding concerns is handled confidentially, securely, and in line with data protection laws.

Safeguarding Contact Points

If there is an incident or concern you would like to raise (when unsure, err on the side of caution and do please get in touch with relevant parties) please contact Ray at


Our policy statement will be promoted on our website and in relevant communications.

Policy review

This policy will be reviewed at least annually or as required by changes in relevant legislation.

Download the Safeguarding Policy