George Spaneas plays at Rat Park. Photography: Haris Ioannou
Young Talent: George Spaneas
Rat Park: Teens in a make-believe drama about addictions
The performance is the result of the theater workshop for teenagers aged 14-18 "Creating a Performance," designed and executed by Irini Andreou and Giannis Karaoulis, with movement teaching by Panagiotis Tofi. The workshop took place from October 2022 to April 2023 as part of the program "Your World: Empowering Youth through Arts and Theater."
Following the methodology of devised theater and documentary theater, the group of teenagers from "Actions" created this performance literally from scratch.
"The greatest - and worst - addiction is to live a life without meaning, to live each day without meaning... They say addiction is cured through human relationships..."
A group of teenagers begins to study a common and much-discussed topic: addictions. The teenagers take on the role of researchers, but as the performance progresses, the questions increase, and everyone becomes personally involved in this adventure. No one can remain unaffected or not think about things for themselves.
The research and numbers will become human testimonies and confessions of themselves and friends who will present them on stage in their attempt to understand the problem and find answers. However, even if they don't manage to find all the answers by the end, at least they will have found each other.
(2023) Rat Park: Teenagers in a devised theater performance on addiction. Filenews (GR)